The association between parents in Liverpool consenting to their child
ren being invited for primary immunisations and five sociodemographic
factors, namely sex, position of child in the family, family type, mig
ration into Liverpool since birth, and local deprivation was examined.
Rates of consent to invitation were over 97% for each antigen except
pertussis, which had a consent rate of 83%. Consent to invitation for
pertussis vaccine was least likely to have been given for boys, childr
en with older siblings, those recorded as living with a single parent,
and those in the most deprived areas. Local deprivation also had an e
ffect on consent to the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine. Migration
into Liverpool had a significant effect on consent to invitation for
all antigens except pertussis. The child's sex, family type, and local
deprivation had no effect on consent to diphtheria, tetanus, and poli
o immunisations. Maximising pertussis vaccine uptake will require more
attention to be paid to those parents who have been identified as bei
ng less likely to give consent. It is particularly important that cons
istent and clear advice about immunisations is made available to paren
ts with two or more children, lone parents, and those living in materi
ally deprived areas. Our findings challenge some of the assumption und
erlying the principles of 'first parent visiting', at least so far as
pertussis is concerned.