A series of atmospheric aerosol diffusion experiments combined with li
dar detection was conducted to evaluate and calibrate an existing retr
ieval algorithm for aerosol backscatter lidar systems. The calibration
experiments made use of two (almost) identical mini-lidar systems for
aerosol cloud detection to test the reproducibility and uncertainty o
f lidars. Lidar data were obtained from both single-ended and double-e
nded Lidar configurations. A backstop was introduced in one of the exp
eriments and a new method was developed where information obtained fro
m the backstop can be used in the inversion algorithm. Independent in-
situ aerosol plume concentrations were obtained from a simultaneous tr
acer gas experiment with SF6, and comparisons with the two lidars were
made. The study shows that the reproducibility of the lidars is withi
n 15%, including measurements from both sides of a plume. The correspo
ndence with in-situ measurements is excellent. Finally, the new backst
op method is able to reveal information which can close the lidar equa
tion by obtaining the relation between backscatter and extinction in a
n aerosol cloud.