A formal logic-RES for Relative Evidential Support is proposed based o
n the following ideas: 1. Arguments are represented directly and are t
aken as the terms for RES. By arguments we mean the relationships betw
een two judgments expressing that one supports or refutes the other, i
e, evidential supports; 2. Comparisons between arguments are used as c
arriers for their relative strengths. By comparisons we mean relations
hips between two arguments with respect to their strengths. 3. Uncerta
inty reasoning is viewed as a process of three phases of: evidence str
ucture construction; evidence accumulation; decision-making. Some exam
ples are presented showing how RES can be used to represent various ki
nds of uncertain information such as: the relative strengths of eviden
tial supports, eg, evidence e, supports conclusion p, better than evid
ence e2 supports p2; belief functions, eg. evidence e1 is exhausted by
stating a belief function with mass function m1; necessity assertions
, eg, the necessity function derived from the membership function f or
predicate F on domain D; probability assertions, eg, the probability
that statement s is true is .99. These examples illustrate the advanta
ges of RES over other representations of uncertain information and evi
dential reasoning, eg, 1. it is based on relative strengths of argumen
ts that cannot be represented using any absolute measures; 2. It is ca
pable of representing explicitly the design of evidence [21]; 3. It ca
n represent many kinds of absolute measures-in doing so it has the mer
it that it explicates the assumptions and requirements for using diffe
rent kinds of measurements of uncertainty; 4. It provides a natural co
mmon base for a hybrid system. Our conclusion is that RES is a suitabl
e formalization for uncertain information.