Transformed root cultures of Salvia miltiorrhiza have been established
by infecting pieces of sterile grown plants with Agrobacterium rhizog
enes strains LBA 9402, ATCC 15834, TR 105, R 1601 and A 4 1027. These
strains showed different abilities to induce hairy roots on this plant
. A promoting effect of acetosyringone on the Agrobacterium-mediated h
airy root initiation in Salvia miltiorrhiza was also observed. All tra
nsformed root cultures were assayed for opines by TLC, and were positi
ve for agropine and mannopine. A sensitive quantitative HPLC procedure
was developed for the simultaneous quantification of tanshinone I, ta
nshinone II(A), tanshinone II(B), tanshinone V, dihydrotanshinone I, c
ryptotanshinone, tanshinone VI, and the colourless diterpene ferrugino
l. These seven major tanshinones and ferruginol were found not only in
the roots, but also in the liquid medium. Apparently, the hairy roots
released secondary metabolites into the culture medium. The main prod
ucts in the hairy root cultures were the tanshinones which are the act
ive principles of this plant species. The effects of culture condition
s on hairy root growth and the diterpene production have also been stu
died. The most apparent effect was seen when ammonium nitrate levels o
f the medium were modified.