Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the ranking of the scintigra
phy with L-3-I-123-alpha-methyl tyrosine (I-123-AMT) in metastised mel
anoma. Methods: 26 metastases and one primary tumor of a malignant mel
anoma in six patients were examined with I-123-AMT whole-body scintigr
aphy and SPECT. Positron Emission Tomography with 2-F-18-fluoro-2-deso
xy-D-glucose (F-18-FDG) was used as the golden standard. Results: With
I-123-AMT-SPECT 8/10 metastases in the thorax >1,6 cm were detected (
ratio TINT 1,2-1,8), metastases <1,6 cm were not detectable with SPECT
. In I-123-AMT whole-body scintigraphy not one lesion showed a positiv
e tumor uptake. Conclusion: In single cases I-123-AMT scintigraphy can
be helpful in staging of malignant melanoma.