The Miocene Kingston Range-Halloran Hills detachment fault system of t
he eastern Mojave Desert, California, delineates part of the eastern b
reakaway zone for a profoundly extended area between the Sierra Nevada
and the Spring Mountains structural blocks. The shallow-dipping, west
-rooting detachment fault cuts discordantly across Paleozoic and Preca
mbrian units in the Mesozoic foreland fold-and-thrust belt, exhibits w
est- to southwest-trending corrugations with structural relief of up t
o 1.5 km, and underlies the terrestrial Shadow Valley basin. Middle Mi
ocene fault displacement and syntectonic sedimentation in the northern
basin were terminated at approximately 12.4 Ma by intrusion of the la
rge (approximately 130 km2), shallow-level (less-than-or-equal-to 4 km
depth) Kingston Peak pluton across the detachment fault soon after fa
ulting began. Basin sedimentation and fault displacement southeast of
the pluton were not, however, disrupted by its emplacement and continu
ed to evolve. Northern ''pluton-pinned'' and southern ''pluton-free''
domains were separated by the Blacksmith Hills fault, a northeast-stri
king, right-slip lateral ramp that accommodated more than 3 km of post
pluton differential extension between pinned and nonpinned domains. In
more western regions, late phases of detachment-fault-related extensi
on beneath formerly pinned areas (including western and central parts
of the pluton itself) are believed to have led to the development of t
wo generations of east-striking left-slip faults. Collectively, these
dextral and sinistral transfer faults illustrate the complex patterns
of differential extension and accommodation that can characterize deta
chment-fault systems as adjacent areal domains of extension are genera
ted and die.