Cross-borehole tomography suffers from a well-known problem of data in
completeness: the limited ray coverage dictated by the poor experiment
al geometry implies that certain features of the velocity field are no
t determined by the data. Construction of a tomographic image of the v
elocity field therefore requires the addition of prior constraints to
the inversion. In the Fourier wavenumber domain (assuming straight-lin
e rays), the process of adding prior constraints is equivalent to spec
ifying unmeasured wave-number coefficients. The projection onto convex
sets (POCS) algorithm can impose physically plausible constraints tha
t allow high quality tomographic images to be produced. Each constrain
t is viewed as defining a set (in function space) of images that satis
fy that particular constraint. The POCS method finds one or more image
s in the intersection of the constraining sets, which is equivalent to
finding an image that simultaneously satisfies a number of constraint
s including the observed data. The sets of images that we employ inclu
de: those that satisfy the data in the sense of having certain known w
avenumber components, those that have bounded energy in certain unmeas
ured wavenumber components, those that have seismic velocity bounded e
verywhere (e.g., non-negative), and those in which the velocity struct
ure is confined to the region between the boreholes. An advantage of t
he POCS algorithm is that it allows both space-domain and wavenumber-d
omain constraints to be imposed simultaneously. In our implementation
of the POCS algorithm, we make use of the fast Fourier transform to ra
pidly iterate between the space and Fourier-wavenumber domains. We tes
t the method on synthetic data, and show that it significantly reduces
the artifacts in the image, when compared to other methods. We then a
pply it to data from a cross-borehole experiment in Manitoba, Canada,
that were previously studied by others. We achieve a tomographic image
of the velocity field that is similar in many respects to the results
of others, but which possesses fewer artifacts.