Urea kinetics were measured on 10 occasions in eight neonates who had
not received an oral intake from birth and were maintained on total pa
renteral nutrition. After a prime/intermittent oral dose of (NN)-N-15-
N-15-urea over 14 hours urine was collected every three to four hours,
urea isolated, and kinetics determined from the plateau level of enri
chment in urea, measured by isotope ratio mass spectrometry. The total
parenteral nutrition provided 393 kJ (94 kcal)/kg/day and 360 mg nitr
ogen/kg/day. Urea production was mean (SD) 84 (44) mg nitrogen/kg/day,
or 5O% of intake. Urinary excretion of urea, 39 (16) mg nitrogen/kg/d
ay, was 40% of production. Therefore 54% of urea production was salvag
ed through the lower bowel, 45 (35) mg nitrogen/kg/day. It is conclude
d that even in infants who have never had a regular dietary intake the
microflora of the lower bowel is sufficiently developed to salvage ur
ea nitrogen for further metabolic interaction, however it is not clear
whether the rate of salvage is adequate to satisfy the metabolic dema