Explicit expressions for the free energy of the dimer model on finite
quadratic and honeycomb lattices embedded in a Mobius strip are obtain
ed. They allow us to establish the existence of a simple relationship
between the partition functions on a Mobius strip and on a cylinder. T
he properties of the finite size correction term D at critically, whos
e universality is predicted by conformal theories, are studied in the
limit of an infinitely large system with a fixed width-to-length ratio
lambda. As expected, in the limit of an infinitely narrow Mobius stri
p (lambda --> infinity) the D-term tends to the value for a strip with
free edges. In the opposite limit of an infinitely wide Mobius strip
the term D is found again to tend to the value for a strip with free e
dges. The free energy of twisting G is defined as the difference betwe
en the free energies for a cylinder and for the corresponding Mobius s
trip. The behavior of G as a function of lambda is studied too.