In a project concerned with establishing a glossary and thesaurus for
the medical informatics domain, various approaches to the task have be
en investigated. The developers take the view that a glossary should b
e a coherent system of terms, reflecting a coherent system of concepts
that underlies a body of knowledge about a domain. A framework for th
e conceptual analysis of the concepts/terms underlying the domain has
been developed. The emphasis of this framework is on how the concepts
relate together. This work has given an important insight into how the
practical task of establishing well-structured vocabularies for a fie
ld can be better achieved. An eclectic approach to term selection was
adopted. Criteria for assessing what constitutes good definitions for
concepts in a field were examined. Using all these approaches glossari
es, thesauri and domain models of the medical informatics field are be
ing developed. Another aspect of our work of particular interest is th
e development of attributed definitions from which inheritance pattern
s can be defined.