The Gipsies, a particular ethnic and social group living mostly in the
Eastern European countries, have been studied in terms of r- and K-se
lection. Considering the variables of fertility, birth spacing, mortal
ity, age distribution, and physical parameters, they proved to be more
r-selected than the Hungarians. The main factors bringing about these
differences on the scale of r- and K-strategy come from both genetic
and cultural biases. Resource unpredictability and social uncertainty,
important components of the Gipsies' way of life, contribute to their
higher fertility and mortality. Other characteristics, such as a fema
le surplus in the birth sex ratio and the good survival capacity of th
e ''premature'' Gipsy infants, seem to show genetic influences as ''ra
cial'' traits. Finally, a particular family arrangement characteristic
of Gipsies, the father-absent household, is likely to have influence
on their early sexual activity, even promiscuity, and unstable pair bo
nds. These analyses, that should be completed with further detailed in
vestigations of social factors, may contribute to the understanding an
d improvement of the Gipsies' living conditions, after their ignorance
in the Communist regime.