Red-eared sliders (Pseudemys scripta elegans) were given ivermectin (0
.2 mg/kg), milbemycin (A3-A4 oxime) (0.5 or 1.0 mg/kg), or propylene g
lycol (0.2 ml/kg) p.o. to determine the sensitivity of these animals t
o these drugs and from these data to infer the safety of milbemycin. H
alf of the ivermectin-treated turtles showed paresis or flaccid paraly
sis. One animal died, and histology of the liver indicated a diffuse f
atty change. No clinical evidence of toxicity was noted in the milbemy
cin-treated animals. A group of red-eared sliders and six Gulf Coast b
ox turtles (Terrapene carolina major) were given 0.5 mg/kg milbemycin
s.c. in the front leg. No deleterious effects or site reactions were c
linically detected. Five ornate box turtles (Terrapene carolina ornata
) with patent helminth infestations were treated s.c. with 0.25 mg/kg
milbemycin and ceased to shed eggs in their feces following 1 or 2 dos