Based on ultrastructural morphology, a herpesvirus was identified as t
he etiology of a fatal encephalitis in an adult male black and white r
uffed lemur (Varecia variegatus). Clinical signs observed were chronic
intermittent lameness and paresis progressing to convulsions with nys
tagmus, anisocoria, and profuse salivation. Multifocal, nonsuppurative
meningoencephalitis with malacia, demyelination, and frequent eosinop
hilic intranuclear inclusion bodies were found in the brain. Electron
microscopic examination revealed 100-mum-diameter spherical virus part
icles in the intranuclear inclusions, ultrastructurally compatible wit
h a herpesvirus. A herpesvirus has not been previously reported as a c
ause of encephalitis in lemurs.