Acquiring a strong foundation in vocabulary is critical to successful
foreign language learning. Many studies have shown that students can l
earn foreign vocabulary more easily and can retain that vocabulary ove
r long periods of time when the mnemonic keyword method is used to tea
ch the vocabulary. The keyword method is an associative technique that
makes use of acoustic and imagery links between the foreign word and
its English translation. The impressive levels of recall produced by u
se of the keyword method indicate that the method should be implemente
d into foreign language programs. This paper asks the question, ''Why
isn't the keyword method being used to teach foreign language vocabula
ry?'' It addresses the possible concerns of language teachers, provide
s a rationale for using the keyword method to teach foreign vocabulary
, and describes a procedure for implementing the method into the langu
age class. Although examples are given for Spanish vocabulary, the met
hod has been applied successfully to several other languages and can b
e used in any foreign language class.