The characteristics of the four major vestibular nuclei and accessory
cell groups in the rat have been studied in serially cut horizontal se
ctions. Camera lucida drawings of the vestibular nuclei and their neur
ons were made in these sections and subjected to a computerized image
analysis. The dimensions (volume and length) and the number of cells o
f each vestibular nucleus were obtained, as well as morphometric param
eters of their neurons (cross-sectional area, maximum and minimum diam
eter, and shape). These parameters were statistically analyzed by comp
aring the cell population from different nuclei and different parts of
each nucleus. Of the major nuclei, the medial, which is the largest,
has the greatest number of cells, its neurons being the smallest of al
l the nuclei, with the size of cells decreasing in a rostrocaudal dire
ction. In contrast, the lateral nucleus contains the fewest cells but
also the largest ones. Neurons of the superior and descending nuclei a
re of an intermediate size and number, with a rostrocaudal decrease in
the size of the descending nucleus cells. In addition, minor nuclei a
re identified and described in their relationship to the other structu
res in the brain stem. The relevant aspects of the anatomical informat
ion in regard to functional roles are reviewed.