Cartilage graft fixation using cyanoacrylate tissue adhesives has aide
d in the accuracy and stability of these grafts in facial reconstructi
ve procedures. To objectively determine how these adhesives affect car
tilage viability, freshly harvested cartilage from septoplasty procedu
res was bonded in vitro with one of four cyanoacrylate adhesives: Hist
oacryl, Bucrylate, Krazy Glue, or Eastman 910 monomer. Viable chondroc
ytes will incorporate the sulfur-35 (S-35) isotope in the synthesis of
chondroitin sulfate, and is therefore a reliable test of cartilage vi
ability. The bonded cartilage specimens were stored from 3 days to 4 w
eeks at 4-degrees-C and then were incubated with the S-35 isotope. Aut
oradiographs were made and the sections were counterstained. Throughou
t the study period, there was no statistical difference in the viabili
ty of Histoacryl-bonded specimens as compared to the controls. Specime
ns bonded with Bucrylate, Krazy Glue, and Eastman 910 monomer statisti
cally demonstrated markedly less viability compared to those bonded wi
th Histoacryl at the P = .01 level of significance. Further, the carti
lage separated from these latter adhesives at the longer study times,
most likely secondary to cartilage devitalization. Histoacryl optimize
s graft viability as compared to these other available cyanoacrylate t
issue adhesives in vitro.