A new type of hereditary glomerulopathy was observed in ten children p
resenting with early and progressive glomerular symptoms, often associ
ated with hypertension. Light microscopy showed a diffuse increase in
the mesangial matrix and generalized widening of the capillary walls.
Electron-microscopic examination of renal tissue, after phosphotungsti
c acid treatment, revealed the presence of fibrillar collagen within t
he mesangial matrix and the subendothelial aspect of the glomerular ba
sement membrane, adjacent to normal lamina densa. Immunohistochemical
studies identified the fibrillar collagen not usually present within t
he glomerular extracellular matrix as type III collagen. Clinical and
family studies ruled out the diagnosis of nail-patella syndrome, an au
tosomal dominant disorder with typical extrarenal symptoms, which is a
lso characterized by the presence of fibrillar collagen within the glo
merular basement membranes. The poor renal outcome, the possible extra
renal haematological and pulmonary involvement and the transmission as
an autosomal recessive trait strongly suggest that collagen type III
glomerulopathy is a new type of hereditary disease. From the high inci
dence of superimposed haemolytic uraemic syndrome in patients or their
siblings, it may be hypothetized that collagen type III glomerulopath
y is the underlying defect in some of the familial cases of haemolytic
uraemic syndromes.