Metastasis-induced acute pancreatitis (MIAP) is a very rare initial ma
nifestation of lung cancer. A review of one institution's experience a
nd the English language medical literature was conducted to define the
incidence, natural history, and optimal treatment of this unusual cli
nical problem. One of 802 (0.12 percent) lung cancer patients presente
d with MIAP. Seven additional cases were found in the literature. Smal
l-cell carcinoma was present in six of eight patients. Prognosis is po
or. Four patients died within two weeks of hospital admission. In pati
ents with small-cell carcinoma and mild pancreatitis, chemotherapy may
favorably influence recovery from pancreatitis. Those with severe pan
creatitis tolerate chemotherapy poorly and initial supportive manageme
nt is advisable. Patients with small-cell histologic features who reco
ver from pancreatitis should receive chemotherapy. Survival beyond six
months is possible.