A case of a large synchronous metastasis on the pancreas from a clear
cell renal carcinoma is presented. The patient presented with melena f
rom duodenal ulcer and a palpable mass in the mesogastrium. A radical
right nephrectomy and cephalic duodenopancreatectomy were performed. S
ix years later bone and retroperitoneal metastasis developed and she d
ied one year later. Renal clear cell carcinoma give pancreatic metasta
sis in only 1-3% of cases. Only 1-2% of the pancreatic malignancies ar
e secondary to renal carcinoma. Clinical and radiological findings are
similar to those of primary pancreatic tumors, and hemorrhage is the
principal symptom. When the metastasis is single, as in this case, duo
deno-pancreatectomy is the treatment of choice.