BOTH the marine sediment record and numerical modelling of the atmosph
eric summer circulation over the northern Indian Ocean and southeast A
sia have shown that the monsoonal climate exhibits a direct but nonlin
ear response to the intensity of solar insolation during summer, with
a time lag of several thousand years1,2. Here we present evidence from
a high-resolution record of oxygen isotopes and carbonate spanning th
e past 24,000 calendar years that the response of the southwest monsoo
n over the Arabian Sea to long-term, gradual insolation changes occurr
ed in several distinct events of less than 300 years duration, at 14,3
00, 13,500, 13,060, 9,900, 8,800 and 7,300 C-14 yr BP. Thus, during th
is transitional period from glacial to post-glacial conditions the slo
w solar forcing seems to have induced very rapid changes in local clim
ate. We speculate that the rapid response may be related to albedo cha
nges in Asia.