Mj. Vanderwiel et Pw. Vanamersfoort, FELIX - FROM LASER TO USER FACILITY, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 331(1-3), 1993, pp. 10219030-10219033
Phase I of the FELIX project involved the demonstration of rapid tunab
ility over a range of IR wavelengths covering at least 8-80 mum. This
phase was completed successfully by the recent commissioning of FEL-2
for the 5-30 mum range; FEL-1 had already been covering the 16-110 mum
range since summer 1991. In Phase II of the project, the emphasis wil
l be on user applications. The potential user interest has been assess
ed at a User Workshop. At present, 30 proposals for experiments from f
ive different disciplines have been received. Details are given on the
user requirements for wavelength, bandwidth and pulse structure. User
operation will commence in September and is expected to reach full ca
pacity by spring 1993.