Cerebellum-like sensory structures in different groups of fish have be
en shown to generate a negative image of predictable features of the s
ensory input. We show here that anti-Hebbian plasticity is present at
the synapse between parallel fibers and Purkinje-like cells which coul
d mediate the generation of these negative images. We also show that t
his synapse is capable of bidirectional changes in synaptic efficacy w
ith the direction of change depending on the precise temporal relation
of presynaptic input and postsynaptic spike during pairing. Parallel
fiber-evoked EPSPs are depressed after pairings in which the EPSP begi
ns between 0 and 60 ms before the postsynaptic spike but are enhanced
at other delays, including those in which the postsynaptic spike occur
s just before the EPSP.