The molecular spectra of mutations photoinduced (405 nm) by 4,5',8-tri
methylpsoralen monoadducts (MA), at an endogenous locus, hypoxanthine-
guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) in normal and in a Fanconi an
emia (FA) lymphoblast cell line, complementation group D, are presente
d. We show that, in normal cells, MA induce only base substitutions. I
n contrast, in FA cells which are partially deficient in the incision
of MA, deletions are preferentially induced over point mutations (62%
of the total). Although the proportion of base substitutions is lower
in FA cells, their type and sequence distribution are similar in FA an
d normal cell lines. The majority of base substitutions are located at
sites of psoralen MA which suggest that 4,5',8-trimethylpsoralen phot
oinduced mutations are targeted and preferentially formed in the non-t
ranscribed strand. Moreover, point mutations induced by MA in normal a
nd FA cells are not homogeneously distributed, they preferentially occ
ur in exon 8 of the HPRT gene. This heterogeneous distribution of muta
tions is ascribed to processing of MA. Great similarities were found b
etween normal and FA cells with respect to the nature and location of
point mutation at the HPRT gene; the high proneness to deletions remai
ns one of the major instability features of FA.