A model is suggested for the analytical calculation of dissociation ra
tes behind shock waves where the vibrational temperature T(v) is less
than the gas temperature T. The model is based on an analysis of the t
hreshold translational energy for collision-induced dissociation as a
function of initial vibrational and rotational energies. The threshold
function method combined with a classical impulsive model for energy
exchange yields explicit formulae for the rate coefficient k(T(v), T)
and the mean vibrational energy removed in dissociation. The mechanism
of nonequilibrium dissociation is predicted to change during vibratio
nal relaxation: dissociation from low vibrational levels dominates at
low T(v)/T, while dissociation from all levels contributes almost equa
lly as T(v)/T approaches unity. The formulae obtained exhibit an expli
cit dependence on the mass ratio of the dissociating molecule and its
collision partner, the lighter mass of the partner making dissociation
from high levels more favorable. Dissociation in a molecular gas at T
> T(v) is demonstrated to occur predominantly via noncollinear collis
ions with simultaneous transfer of rotational and translational energy
to the vibrational mode of the dissociating molecule.