V. Kalapothaki et al., NUTRIENT INTAKE AND CANCER OF THE PANCREAS - A CASE-CONTROL STUDY IN ATHENS, GREECE, CCC. Cancer causes & control, 4(4), 1993, pp. 383-389
In a hospital-based case-control study of pancreatic cancer conducted
in Athens (1991-92), 181 patients with histologically confirmed cancer
of the exocrine pancreas were compared with hospital patient controls
and hospital visitor controls, individually matched to the cases by h
ospital, age, gender, and interviewer in a 1:1:1 ratio. All interviews
were conducted in person in the respective hospitals. Diet was ascert
ained through a semiquantitative food-frequency questionnaire. Nutrien
t intakes for individuals were estimated by multiplying the nutrient c
ontent of a selected typical portion-size for each specified food-item
by the frequency that the food was used per month, and summing these
estimates for all food items. Data were analyzed using conditional log
istic regression, controlling for tobacco smoking and total energy int
ake as well as for mutual confounding influences among nutrients. Adju
sted odds ratios (rate ratios) for pancreatic cancer, associated with
particular nutritional variables, were expressed per increments approx
imately equal to the standard deviations of (the residual of) the resp
ective nutrients, on a daily basis. The adjusted odds ratios (OR) and
95 percent confidence intervals (CI) compared with other patient and v
isitor controls respectively, were: for polyunsaturated fat, OR = 1.32
(CI = 1.07-1.63) and 1.21 (CI = 0.98-1.49); and for crude fibre, OR =
0.80 (CI = 0.64-1.00) and 0.65 (CI = 0.50-0.86). No substantial, stat
istically significant or consistent, independent associations were not
ed for total energy, total protein, total fat, saturated fat, monounsa
turated fat, dietary cholesterol, total carbohydrates, sucrose, vitami
n C, vitamin A, riboflavin, or calcium.