A central goal of the Neurosciences is to provide an account of how th
e brain works in terms of cell groups organised into pattern generatin
g networks. This review focuses on the neural network that generates t
he rapid movements of the eyes that are called saccades. A brief descr
iption of the metrical and dynamical properties of saccades is provide
d first. Data obtained from lesion and electrical stimulation experime
nts are then described; these indicate that the relevant neural machin
ery spreads over at least 10 distinct cortical and subcortical regions
of the brain. Each one of these regions harl;ors several distinct cla
sses of saccade related cells (i.e. cells whose discharge encodes the
metrical and often dynamical properties of saccades). The morphologica
l and physiological properties of about 30 saccade related cell classe
s are described. To generate the signals they carry, and therefore sac
cades, distinct classes of cells influence each other in a non-random
manner. Anatomical evidence is provided that indicates the existence o
f about 100 distinct connections established between saccade related n
eurons. The overall picture of the saccadic system that emerges from t
hese studies is one of intricate complexity. In part this is due to th
e presence of at least 3, multiply interconnected negative feedback lo
ops. Several computational models of the saccadic system have been pro
posed in an attempt to understand the functional significance of the s
imultaneous operation of these loops. An evaluation of these models de
monstrates that besides providing a coherent summary of the data that
concern it, successful models of the saccadic system generate realisti
c saccades (in precise quantitative psychophysical terms) when their e
lements are stimulated, produce abnormal saccades, reminiscent of thos
e encountered in the clinic, when their elements are disabled, while t
heir constituent units display realistic discharge patterns and are co
nnected in a manner that respects anatomy. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier
Science Ltd.