Niobium addition to 15%Cr white cast iron can increase its wear resist
ance because (1) Nb forms extremely hard carbides (NbC) of hardness ar
ound HV 2400, (2) Nb can raise the matrix hardness of 15%Cr iron from
HV 693 to HV 899, (3) Nb shifts the eutectic point to the right, there
fore the iron can have a high carbon content without the danger of for
ming brittle hyper-eutectic carbides, and (4) the morphology of NbC is
block-hook-like. The NbC particles can be kept firmly in the matrix d
uring the wear process. The wear resistance was tested by wet rubber w
heel abrasion tests. The optimum chemical composition of the iron foun
d in these tests was used for making slurry pump components, which wer
e field tested in a mineral mine. The field test confirmed the laborat
ory test results.