Despite a 2-fold increase in density and consequent habitat deteriorat
ion, reproductive rates of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in Fi
nland have increased even in herds without supplemental feeding. Winte
r foods are limited, and reindeer dig for food beneath snow the entire
winter; calves commonly share feeding sites with their mothers. Using
28 years of data on calves per female for 56 herds, we found that cal
f removal led to compensatory changes in reproductive rates in 12 nort
hern herds and the strength of the relationship between' harvest rates
of calves in years t; and calf to female ratio in year t + 1, was gre
ater the longer the period of use of snow-covered foods. Calf harvesti
ng appeared to relieve density-dependent suppression of reproductive r
ate, even at high reindeer densities. Thus, calf harvesting apparently
can increase the carrying capacity of the habitat, which concomitantl
y may lead to an increased rate of exploitation of that habitat.