Female-specific splicing of Drosophila doublesex (dsx) pre-mRNA is reg
ulated by the products of the transformer (tra) and transformer 2 (tra
2) genes. In this paper we show that Tra and Tra2 act by recruiting ge
neral splicing factors to a regulatory element located downstream of a
female-specific 3' splice site. Remarkably, Tra, Tra2, and members of
the serine/arginine-rich (SR) family of general splicing factors are
sufficient to commit dsx pre-mRNA to female-specific splicing, and ind
ividual SR proteins differ significantly in their ability to participa
te in commitment complex formation. Characterization of the proteins a
ssociated with affinity purified complex formed on dsx pre-mRNA reveal
s the presence of Tra, Tra2, SR proteins, and additional unidentified
components. We conclude that Tra, Tra2, and SR proteins are essential
components of a splicing enhancer complex.