It is reported on 34 fattening pigs with hemorrhagic enteropathy or bl
ood in the intestine, which were submitted for necropsy to the Veterin
ary Ambulance Schwarzenbek. Only those animals were included in this s
tudy, which had lesions in the small intestine or small and large inte
stine. Cases of swine dysentery with the lesions being restricted to t
he large intestine were not considered here. No common cause of hemorr
hagic enteropathy was found. In four cases there was an intestinal tor
sion. In one animal the blood in the intestine originated from a gastr
ic ulcer. On 25 of the 34 pigs further examinations could be done. Of
those, enteropathogenic E. coli were isolated in 13 cases, with two of
the animals having a mixed infection of two serotypes each. Cl. perfr
ingens was found in two cases and S. hyodysenteriae in four cases. In
one pig S. typhimurium was isolated from the mesenteric lymphnodes and
in one animal the proliferative-hemorrhagic form of the adenomatosis-
complex was diagnosed. Histopathologically Campylobacter-like organism
s were found in epithelical cells of crypts in the small intestine.