A light ion minority heating scheme based on long wavelength fast magn
etosonic wave (FMSW) global resonance excitation appears to be promisi
ng for open traps. This scheme has been studied numerically using the
2-D code PLFEM. This code uses both local and non-local approximations
and can search for global resonances. The global FMSW resonance width
(TE1,0,2 mode), which is caused by hydrogen minority cyclotron energy
absorption, is found to be a maximum for a minority concentration of
C(H) = 1-2%. For these concentration values a substantial discrepancy
between the local and non-local approximations occurs. This discrepenc
y is a result of local Alfven resonance excitation in the vicinity of
the hydrogen cyclotron zone in a cold plasma. The Alfven resonance dis
appears when even a slight thermal motion of the ions (non-locality) i
s taken into account. By proceeding with global resonance field patter
ns, a suitable antenna system consisting of two loops fed with opposit
e phases has been chosen. Calculations have demonstrated that this ant
enna system has good electrotechnical qualities.