High motility of eupyrene sperm of a grasshopper (Omocestus ventralis)
was induced by cAMP. Both trypsin and cAMP were necessary for high mo
tility of eupyrene sperm of three other species of grasshoppers. The s
ame was found for apyrene sperm of the silkmoth, Bombyx mori, when the
y had been washed free from seminal plasma. On the other hand, in locu
sts (Locusta migratoria), in which the yellow gland has high Arg-C end
opeptidase activity, sperm motility was induced by trypsin, like that
of apyrene sperm of Lepidoptera. Thus in these two orders of Insecta,
sperm motility appears to be induced by the same two-step process: the
first step by Arg-C endopeptidase, and the second by cAMP.