Proteoglycans are polymorphic macromolecules present in all mammalian
tissues, including the skin and its appendages. They consist of a core
protein to which one or more glycosaminoglycan chains are covalently
attached. Broadly, they can be divided into classes based on location
and core protein structure. These classes include cell surface proteog
lycans, basement membrane proteoglycans, small leucine-rich proteoglyc
ans, large proteoglycans aggregating with hyaluronan, and intracellula
r granule proteoglycans. They have a wide range of functions, but litt
le is known of the proteoglycans that are present in the epithelial an
d stromal compartments of hair follicles. However, the transmembrane p
roteoglycan syndecan may be important in follicle morphogenesis, both
with respect to the epithelium and dermal papilla cells. Syndecan may
possess both heparan and chondroitin sulfate chains, interacts with gr
owth factors as well as fibronectin and interstitial collagens, and ca
n associate in a transmembrane relationship with the cellular cytoskel
eton. It is strongly expressed in mesenchymal cells coincident with st
romal-epithelial interactions during tissue morphogenesis. Proteoglyca
ns are present in all basement membranes, including those surrounding
the epithelial compartment of hair follicles. Additionally, and quite
unlike the dermis, the dermal papilla is enriched in basement-membrane
components, especially a chondroitin 6-sulfate - containing proteogly
can, BM-CSPG. The function of this proteoglycan is not known, but deve
lopmental studies indicate that it may have a role in stabilizing base
ment membranes. In the hair cycle, BM-CSPG decreases through catagen a
nd is virtually absent from the telogen papilla. One or more heparansu
lfate proteoglycans, including perlecan, are also present in papilla a
nd follicular basement membranes. Some of the leucine-rich proteoglyca
ns, such as decorin, are associated with interstitial collagens, and m
ay influence fibrillogenesis. Because small amounts of types I and III
collagens may be present in anagen papillae, decorin may also be a co