Recorded wave data from four wave measuring instruments located at var
ious points within a section of the Great Barrier Reef during the pass
age of a tropical cyclone are presented. A spectral wave prediction mo
del is used as an aid to the interpretation of the data. The tropical
cyclone generated significant wave heights of approximately 10 m seawa
rd of the reef complex. The many scattered reefs, however, act to redu
ce this value to approximately 6 m landward of the reef complex. Indiv
idual reefs appear to act as complete barriers to waves at typical oce
anic periods, even at high tide. In a scattered reef complex such as t
he Great Barrier Reef, wave energy can penetrate the inter-reef gaps.
Although such inter-reef gaps may appear large in comparison to the si
zes of individual reefs, wave attenuation is still significant.