In treating the motion of solitonic exitations in polyacetylene Newton
's equation is used to approximate the lattice dynamics. The force fie
ld is obtained from the deviation of the pi-electron densities in the
bonds from their equilibrium densities. The pi-electron density distri
butions are evaluated with the step-potential model. This model of a n
early free pi-electron coupled to the elastic lattice of sigma-bonded
hydrocarbon ions is the conceptually simplest approach and has no free
parameters. The electron-phonon coupling constant is scaled to butadi
ene and benzene. It is shown that a neutral kink moves frictionless fo
r velocities up to three times the velocity of sound and shakes off ph
onons at higher velocities. This is in contrast to the results of the
SSH-model, where the maximum velocity of the neutral kink is expected
to be in a considerable range (0.6-4.0 times velocity of sound) depend
ing on adjustable parameters.