Following Leznov and Saveliev, we present the general solution to Toda
field theories of conformal, affine or conformal affine type, associa
ted with a simple Lie algebra g. These depend on a free massless field
and on a group element. By putting the former to zero, soliton soluti
ons to the affine Toda theories with imaginary coupling constant resul
t with the soliton data encoded in the group element. As this requires
a reformulation of the affine Kac-Moody algebra closely related to th
at already used to formulate the physical properties of the particle e
xcitations, including their scattering matrices, a unified treatment o
f particles and solitons emerges. The physical energy-momentum tensor
for a general solution is broken into a total derivative plus a part d
ependent only on the derivatives of the free field. Despite the non-li
nearity of the field equations and their complex nature the energy and
momentum of the N-soliton solution is shown to be real, equalling the
sum of contributions from the individual solitons. There are rank-g s
pecies of soliton, with masses given by a generalisation of a formula
due to Hollowood, being proportional to the components of the left Per
ron-Frobenius eigenvector of the Cartan matrix of g.