Fifteen patients under the age of 20 years underwent transcranial reva
scularisation surgery: 13 presented with acute strokes or recurrent tr
ansient neurological events, one with progressive dementia and one wit
h recurrent syncope. Five underwent unilateral and seven bilateral ana
stomosis of the superficial temporal artery to a branch of the middle
cerebral artery (STA-MCA bypass). One patient aged 22 months underwent
bilateral encephaloduroarterisynangiosis (EDAS). Three patients deter
iorated postoperatively: one died from a probable cardiac cause, one h
ad subarachnoid haemorrhage and the patient who underwent EDAS suffere
d further permanent ischaemic damage. No further permanent ischaemic e
vents occurred following STA-MCA bypass (median follow-up 41 months).
Transient ischaemic events persisted postoperatively in four cases, bu
t with reduced severity. The results suggest that STA-MCA bypass may b
e effective in protecting young patients from further permanent ischae
mic events in the treated vascular territory.