Small spiculated carcinomas are indistinguishable from benign radial s
car/complex sclerosing lesions on mammography, leading to a radiologic
al assessment of R4 (suspicious, probably malignant, The cytological a
nd pathological features of 80 screen detected R4 spiculated lesions w
ere reviewed. The analysis showed that there were 46 radial scars, of
which 38 were benign and 8 (17%) contained foci of ductal carcinoma in
situ (DCIS), and 34 spiculated carcinomas. The majority of radial sca
rs showed some degree of epithelial hyperplasia (assessed semi-quantit
ively) but the cellularity of the lesion as a whole was not related to
the presence of DCIS. In 20 cases no aspiration was attempted for cyt
ology but 40% were inadequate and only one lesion containing DCIS had
cytology C4 or C5, Diagnosis of radial scar was made in all cases by l
ocalization biopsy, The carcinomas ranged in size between 4 and 15 mm
(mean 8.9 mm) and were of grade 1 (21 = 63%) or grade 2 (12 = 37%). Th
ere were 16 infiltrating ductal carcinomas of no special type, 12 tubu
lar carcinomas, three lobular carcinomas, two ductal and lobular mixed
, and one mucinous carcinoma. Only one patient with carcinoma was node
-positive, For the carcinomas, 12 (35%) yielded C5 (malignant) cytolog
y allowing pre-operative diagnosis.