The inhibition of translation initiation by modification or mutation o
f initiation factors can lead to disproportionate effects on gene expr
ession. Here we report disproportionate decreases in gene expression i
n cells with mutated Prt1 activity. The PRT1 gene product of the buddi
ng yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is necessary for translation initiat
ion and is thought to be a component of initiation factor 3. At a rest
rictive temperature the prt1-1 mutation, in addition to decreasing glo
bal protein synthesis, caused disproportionate decreases of the synthe
sis of the Ssa1 and Ssa2 members of the hsp70 heat-shock gene family,
and of the Hsp82 and Hsc82 heat-shock proteins. Quantification of puls
e-labelled, immunoprecipitated lacZ fusion proteins showed that synthe
sis of each of these proteins was disproportionately decreased in prt1
-1 mutant cells. Although the mRNAs of affected genes were shown to be
polysomal in mutant cells, they were fragmented and of decreased abun
dance, as indicated by transcript analysis and in vitro translation. T
hus the mRNAs of these hsp genes become degraded under the conditions
of limited translation initiation that are imposed by the prt1-1 mutat
ion. This untimely mRNA degradation accounts for the disproportionate
decreases in polypeptide synthesis in prt1 mutant cells. We propose th
at sequences at the translation initiation site of SSA2 mRNA bring abo
ut the observed mRNA fragmentation.