D. Fried et al., IMAGING OF THE FLUORESCENCE CREATED BY ABLATION OF Y2O3, BAO2, CUO, AND YBA2CU3O7-X BY 308-NM LASER-LIGHT, Applied spectroscopy, 47(7), 1993, pp. 1046-1057
A gated intensified CCD camera is used to acquire time-resolved images
of the plume generated from the excimer laser ablation of CuO, BaO2,
Y2O3, and YBa2Cu3O7-x pellets in vacuum, He, or O2. Narrow (12-nm FWHM
) bandpass filters are used to select emission from individual species
within the plume. The spatial and the temporal evolution of the emiss
ion is unique for each of the ejected ions, atoms, and diatomics. A lu
minous shock front, i.e., a blast wave, is observed at pressures great
er than 1 Torr in He and 0.1 Torr in O2. The propagation of this shock
front is suitably described by scaling factors that were previously d
eveloped to describe the shock waves from a point explosion. Images of
emission from atomic Cu and O were acquired after the ablation of CuO
. These images imply that ion/electron bombardment is significant with
in the plasma plume. The time dependence of the images shows the evolu
tion of the shock wave and suggests the origin of the luminous plume.