The system described in this paper consists of a reader, multi-element
dosemeters. and dose algorithm. The reader is a medium capacity non-c
ontact gas heating unit interfaced to an application software package
that evaluates and manages generated data. The dosemeter consists of e
lements that are 240 thick and which are symetrically filtered
. The two CaF2:Dy (TLD-200) elements are shielded by 80 ABS pl
astic, 0.25 mm tantalum and 0.05 mm lead. The two LiF:Mg,Ti (TLD-100)
are shielded by the 80 ABS plastic only. The response of this
system was characterised according to the criteria established in the
ANSI Standard N545, Section 4, as modified by NRC Regulatory Guide 4.1
3. The procedures applied to study the energy response, fading, linear
ity, uniformity, minimum detectability, reproducibility, response depe
ndence on angle of incidence are described, reviewed, and the results
presented. The study also included self-irradiation, sensitivity to li
ght and moisture, and performance in actual field conditions. The resu
lts demonstrate that this dosemeter satisfies all of the N545-1975 per
formance requirements. The dose calculation algorithm developed for th
is dosemeter is outlined and the accuracy of its performance in variou
s pure and mixed fields has been determined. The results are presented
and discussed.