This paper investigates geographical variations in successful and unsu
ccessful applications to the Family Fund Trust which provides grants t
o families with severely disabled children. A new measure of take-up i
s developed which takes account of demographic differences between loc
al social services authorities and relates local take-up levels to nat
ional rates. The take-up of grants varies more than twofold across loc
al authorities but is generally higher in deprived areas, suggesting t
hat the help available from the fund is targeting those most in need.
Nonetheless use of the fund is less than expected in metropolitan area
s characterized by rented accommodation, high rise dwellings and minor
ity ethnic groups. Ethnic monitoring and other measures to promote equ
al opportunities have recently been introduced. If take-up were unifor
mly high across England and Wales the current caseload and budget woul
d increase by more than half, Local authorities where renewed efforts
might be most effectively targeted to encourage families to apply for
a grant can be identified but any publicity would need to ensure that
inappropriate applications are kept to a minimum.