We present frequencies, splittings, and line widths from 85 days of fu
ll disk Doppler observations of solar p-modes taken between 1989 April
4 and June 30. We include all modes within the frequency range 2200 m
uHz < v < 3500 muHz and with spherical harmonic degrees l > 10 such th
at v/L greater-than-or-equal-to 45 muHz, where L = [l(l + 1)]1/2. We d
escribe our analysis systems in moderate detail and give evidence indi
cating that they are working correctly. Comparison of our mode paramet
ers with published Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) results yields go
od agreement in general and is thus a confirmation of their work using
an independent instrument and set of analysis routines. Small differe
nces between the two experiments are consistent with known short-term
characteristics of the Sun and the inherent accuracy of the measuremen
ts in general. We explain average differences in p-mode frequencies me
asured by the two experiments in 1989 spring-summer as a result of dif
ferences in the exact periods of data collection during a time of rapi
dly changing solar activity. The scatter in these frequency difference
s, within narrow ranges of frequency and degree, yields standard devia
tions confirming those estimated by the BBSO group from their fitting
methods alone. We believe that an almost-equal-to 10% difference in li
ne widths between our results and those from BBSO represents the curre
nt precision limit of line width measurements due to systematic uncert
ainties in calculating spatial crosstalk. We present even splitting co
efficients from 1989 and show that their magnitudes are enhanced from
1988 BBSO even splitting coefficients, presumably due to increased sol
ar activity. Our odd splitting coefficients for p-modes with v/L great
er-than-or-equal-to 45 muHz match, within calculated uncertainties, th
ose published by BBSO for their 1986 data, indicating that odd splitti
ng coefficients do not vary appreciably with solar activity. We show t
hat our a, splitting coefficients for p-modes with v/L < 45 muHz suffe
r from a significant systematic error, but we are unable to identify t
he cause of this error. We present evidence that a detector distortion
or alignment problem, not a problem with the power spectra analysis,
is the most likely explanation of this a, anomaly.