Defects of neuronal migration were detected in the brains of five unre
lated infants with Potter syndrome (oligohydramnios sequence). These c
onsisted of abnormal lamination of cerebral cortex, white matter heter
otopias, and meningeal and molecular zone neuronal-glial ectopias. Bes
ides, various other brain anomalies were sometimes found. They compris
ed one or more of the followings: abnormal gyration patterns (gyral fu
sion, cerebellar microgyria), cerebellar granule and Purkinje cell het
erotopias, brain stem heterotopias, adysplasia of basal ganglia, glios
is, mineralization, and hydrocephalus. Detailed investigations, using
standard neuropathologic stains, immunohistochemical and Golgi methods
, and a new electron microscopic histochemical technique that we appli
ed to study the developing human brain, suggest that migration defects
of neurons are caused by an abnormality in their glial guides, the ra
dial glial fibers, during the period of cortical histogenesis. We hypo
thesize that abnormally and precociously induced radial glial transfor
mation into astrocytes is the pathogenic mechanism for the defects in
neuronal migration. The etiological factor(s) that precipitates such a
bnormal glial transformation seems to be heterogeneous. Its relation t
o the Potter anomaly is discussed.