In an attempt to investigate whether benzodiazepines at low dosage hav
e a significant effect in reducing spasticity among children with cere
bral palsy, we carried out a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-o
ver study. Twelve children with either spastic diplegia or hemiplegia
participated in this study. The mean age was 14 years. The restraint o
f passive knee movements was determined with a dynamic dynamometer and
spastic stretch reflexes were measured as EMG activity in muscles str
etched. Clonazepam was given at low dosage (0.02 mg/kg body weight). I
n each child measurements of passive restraint were made on 2 differen
t days immediately before and 3 h after an i.m. injection of either cl
onazepam or placebo in randomized order. Clonazepam significantly redu
ced spastic restraint (P < 0.001) compared to non-significant reductio
n with placebo. The mean plasma concentration of clonazepam at time of
spasticity evaluation was 21 nmol/l which is in the low dose range, f
ar below conventional doses. The study thus shows a positive effect of
low dose clonazepam in reducing spasticity in children when given as
a single dose.