Sixty-eight percent of the 'Pineapple', 52 % of the 'Navel', 46 % of t
he 'Valencia', 38 % of the 'Hamlin', and 0 % of the 'Ambersweet' orang
e [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osh.] trees in five Florida citrus nurseries w
ere infected with severe strains of citrus tristeza virus (CTV), as de
monstrated by reaction with a monoclonal antibody specific for severe
strains of the virus. Severe strains of CTV infected 4 %, 46 %, 76 %,
30 %, and 48 % of the trees at each of the five nurseries, respectivel
y, indicating a considerable difference in severe strain prevalence am
ong the nurseries. Thirty-five percent of the trees in the scion block
s (budwood source) of the nurseries also contained severe strains of C