CD46 is a cell-surface regulatory molecule that prevents lysis of auto
logous human cells by activated complement. It has been well character
ized on leucocytes, reproductive cells and various cultured cell lines
and is considered to be ubiquitously expressed. We now extend these a
nalyses and describe CD46 in a variety of different human tissues. Str
ong expression was observed by immunohistology on epithelial cells lin
ing exocrine ducts and glands, such as salivary gland and pancreas and
on kidney tubules and glomerular epithelium. Quantitative tissue expr
ession was measured by radioimmunoassay and confirmed histological obs
ervations. Thus, CD46 is highly expressed on cells in contact with ext
racellular fluids thought not to contain large quantities of complemen
t but which may still be subjected to complement attack thereby necess
itating the presence of complement regulators to prevent non-specific
destruction of cells.