DA/DAPI and C chromosomal heteromorphic sites (1q, 9q, 15p, 16q, Yq) i
n a sample of 136 unrelated individuals from the Garfagnana valley (Tu
scany, Italy) have been analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The
variations in length, between-homolog heteromorphisms, and intensity
of fluorescence of the heterochromatic bands have been compared in two
subsamples of the population (upper and middle valley) individualized
according to geodemographic criteria. DA/DAPI heterochromatin differe
d significantly from C heterochromatin, showing a lower average amount
and a higher variability at each site. This suggests a differential s
taining of DNA of the two banding systems. Furthermore, DA/DAPI hetero
chromatin was less uniformly distributed in the population than C hete
rochromatin and the regions 16q and Yq discriminated better between su
bsamples. The variations of DA/DAPI fluorescence at the 15p site demon
strated an excess of homomorphic individuals in the upper valley, whic
h could be related to the mating structure of the population living in
this area.