A classical nova may accrete a non-homogeneous envelope,which can resu
lt in the ignition of a local thermonuclear runaway on the surface of
the white dwarf. We studied the propagation of thermal flows along the
meridian in the hydrogen rich envelope, to find the conditions under
which a thermonuclear runaway is not spherically symmetric. We include
d mass accretion and tested the effect of temperature inhomogeneities
in the secular evolution of the envelope, supposing perturbations with
different wavelengths, ranging from very small to comparable with the
radius of the white dwarf. The calculations were stopped at the onset
of a thermonuclear runaway, when the hydrodynamic expansion starts. W
e found the ranges of accretion rates and masses of white dwarfs for w
hich the runaway ignites locally. The propagation time of the runaway
along the meridian may be as long as days and weeks. ''Local'' thermon
uclear runaways can explain the asymmetries and inhomogeneities of the
nova shells and account for the slow rise time to maximum (about one
week) of many novae.