Fluvial and lacustrine (deltaic and turbiditic) sandstones are major h
ydrocarbon reservoirs in the onshore (Lower Cretaceous) Potiguar and R
econcavo rift basins in northeastern Brazil. Diagenetic elements inclu
ding mechanically infiltrated (MI) clay, calcite, dolomite, and chlori
te show distinct distribution patterns at interwell and field-wide res
ervoir scales. Such distributions, and thereby diagenetic heterogeneit
y, have been modeled based on thin-section, core, well-log, and petrop
hysical data. At the interwell scale, relationships between sandstone
body geometry and the distribution of diagenetic elements are a critic
al aspect of reservoir heterogeneity. At this level, (1) MI clay conce
ntrations occur in fluvial reservoirs following the orientation of pal
eochannels, generating strong compartmentalization of the reservoirs,
(2) calcite cement appears either concentrated near sand-shale contact
s (peripheral distribution) or dispersed in the interior of the sandst
one layers (scattered distribution), (3) dolomite cement may appear co
ncentrated along laminations in cross-stratified sandstones, causing a
decrease of one order of magnitude in the effective horizontal permea
bility, and (4) authigenic chlorite is observed to reduce more signifi
cantly the permeability in fine-grained sandstones than in coarse-grai
ned sandstones, an effect that may cause important modifications in th
e permeability structure of the reservoirs. At the field-wide scale, d
iagenetic heterogeneity includes (1) stratigraphic zonation of diagene
tic properties in fluvial reservoirs, (2) increasing carbonate cementa
tion toward the border of the hydrocarbon accumulations in deltaic res
ervoirs, and (3) distinct patterns of carbonate cementation observed i
n channel fills and lobes in turbiditic reservoirs. Incorporating the
distribution and effects of diagenetic elements into the interwell and
field-wide geological modeling is essential to achieve a realistic re
servoir representation. Such incorporation is performed by the integra
tion of diagenetic properties with other geological attributes, includ
ing nature and distribution of depositional facies, structural element
s, and stratigraphic framework. This procedure improves reservoir qual
ity evaluation and leads to more precise prediction of reservoir perfo